Press release by IHA

Effective immediately, physician services are currently available two days per week at the East Shore Community Health Centre with the recent departure of Dr. Lauren Galbraith.
Interior Health is working with the Kootenay-Boundary Division of Family Practice to recruit a primary care provider to join the existing two physicians at the clinic who currently serve the community. We regret the interruption of services to patients who formerly saw Dr. Lee until her retirement in the fall and then Dr. Galbraith.
To make an appointment, patients may call the East Shore Medical Clinic, Crawford Bay at 250-227-9006.
MAINSTREET NOTICE: There will be only two doctor days per week at the East Shore Health Clinic, effective immediately. A third doctor day was published in the March paper due to miscommunication, but please know that there will only be doctor days on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, indefinitely, unless another doctor takes the third day. Dr Piver will be covering Tuesdays and Dr Moulson will be covering Wednesdays as normal.
Call the clinic (250-227-9006) to check for changes and be aware that there may be longer waits to see a doctor than normal.
One Response
Perhaps the reason why Interior Health medical documents and mental health documents were fabricated and falsified including written letters by the physicians involved were sent to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC was due to the misdiagnosis by a family practice doctor now employed at the Eastshore medical clinic. This endangers and jeopardizes the general public in the Riondel and Gray creek areaand is the reason I am posting. Included is a letter that was written in 2010, It is now 2022. Be warned there is no way out after they start fabricating documents in attempts to cover it up.
It’s truly horrible that you had to go through all those things, that the inept and uncaring “professionals” you went to for help
only made things so much worse. Also that now, instead of looking at what happened to you and trying to learn something about how things went wrong so they could possibly not make those mistakes in the future, they seem to be only concerned with doing whatever is necessary to cover their pathetic hindquarters in order to keep their jobs and maintain their unearned self-esteem and community respect.
It’s sad to see that among all those who contributed to the systemic abuse you endured, there doesn’t seem to be even one -amazing, not even one – who has the humanity to admit that they may have been mistaken and that they are sorry for the negative impact on your life. It’s almost as if they don’t consider you to be a human being, as if you’re essentially different in some way from themselves. Possibly they’re afraid of lawsuits or of being publicly exposed as incompetent or worse, corrupt, but they have set out into a field of work to help people, and if they can see that they have contributed to harming someone, ethical considerations dictate that they try in some way to alleviate that. I’m not talking about money here, as I have no way of assessing that, but about trying to in some way offer you help, if in no other way than apologizing for misunderstanding and mistreating you, or for not caring enough to follow up when they knew things weren’t going right for you and that they had contributed in some way to that bad outcome.
Even if one of them just told you verbally (so you couldn’t use it in a lawsuit) something like “look, they didn’t have anyone else to do this job, and I was interested and they offered it to me, and I thought I could help people, but in your case, I just wasn’t experienced enough and unfortunately didn’t think to bring in someone with more expertise, and I’m sorry for that at least it would indicate some humanity. All of them probably have some mentor or therapist or past teacher or someone who they could contact to help them figure out what they could do for you if they were motivated to do so, but it appears they are mired in complacency and content with their misuse of their positions in your case. It is a very scary and sad example of laziness, lack of professionalism and really, just plain stupidity and lack of human concern.
Having been with my ex-husband, Phil (who was a licensed MFCC with a masters in psychology and notable successes
within his practice) for almost 14 years, at a time when (I just counted, trying to remember) over a dozen of our closest
friends either were or had been licensed and practicing psychology professionals, either with MDs, PhDs or MFCC and
Masters degrees, it makes me almost physically sick to think of what you went through and are still going through without any decent human in the field actually going out of their way to try to help you. I wish I was one of them so I could apologize to you on behalf of the profession, but since I’m just another lay person (who’s been through years of therapy myself and lived through all those years participating in discussions about all aspects of the profession with all those professionals, and read most of the books they have), I can only tell you I’m so sorry that you have met up with some of the worst examples of human beings who practice in that field, and hope you will continue to make the discoveries you need to come to terms in your own way with what happened and that you’ll be able to make peace with it all and move on from it so you can finally start living your own life.