
Deadline for Feedback on Retallack Proposal Days Away

Letter to the Community by Carolyn Vanr for the Citizens Information Ad-Hoc Group (

Every passing day brings us nearer to July 15 which is the true deadline for public input concerning the Retallack Proposal for the 45 year tenure of 70,992 hectares in the Purcell mountain range for year round helicopter adventure tourism.

The more information I gather, the more stressed I become.  This isn’t the only adventure tourism proposal using helicopters sitting in the hands of the government for review and we can bet that there will be more in the future.

What has become obvious to me is that this proposal is vague and the government’s management of these large and long tenures is inadequate.  There are no impact studies that we can refer to, and there is no requirement for impact studies after these tenures are in operation. There are approximately 52,020 tenures in operation within B.C. at present. How possibly can the government manage that huge scope of work of follow-up accountability of these commercial businesses?  Unaccountability leads to irresponsibility, which is dangerous.

Once approved, these adventure tourism tenures can be sold immediately as they do become a valuable commodity.  They also can be amended and extended.

Why should our community, back country and wildlife have to be subject to corporate businesses using helicopters to make profits for themselves? Even some trickle down money in our community economy is not worth it.

Is the sound of helicopters amplifying our valleys something that will enhance our lives or negatively affect it? The answer lies in using common sense.

If we ask ourselves why we live here and what we value, I am positive that the majority would say it is because of the peace and quiet, majestic mountains and forests, opportunity to see wildlife, pristine lakes and caring communities.

Please give some input to this important issue. Links to view the proposal and further information can be found at and

Feedback on these proposals can be sent to, FLNR Minister Doug Donaldson ( and MLA Michelle Mungall ( 

Please copy when you send your letters!

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